Documentation for the New TagoIO Admin 2.0 is now available!

TagoIO Team

The complete documentation of the new Tago Admin 2.0 that is under Beta version is now available. You can access it at the same URL as before.
If you need to access the documentation for the old Admin (it is still alive until the end of June), you must click on the option ‘Read the Docs’ on the bottom left the menu and select version ‘old’.
Tago Team.

The complete documentation of the new Tago Admin 2.0 that is under Beta version is now available. You can access it at the same URL as before.
If you need to access the documentation for the old Admin (it is still alive until the end of June), you must click on the option ‘Read the Docs’ on the bottom left the menu and select version ‘old’.
Tago Team.