DuoDigit announces Sigfox kit with TagoIO
TagoIO Team
This week during the IoT Latin America Expo 2017, DuoDigit announced the pre-launch of Sig4 – a Sigfox kit powered by Tago platform that interfaces with sensors and Modbus protocol for the Brazilian market.
DuoDigit has partnered with Tago since 2016 in Brazil, and it is focusing on expanding their portfolio of products connected with Sigfox network.
More information about DuoDigit
This week during the IoT Latin America Expo 2017, DuoDigit announced the pre-launch of Sig4 – a Sigfox kit powered by Tago platform that interfaces with sensors and Modbus protocol for the Brazilian market.
DuoDigit has partnered with Tago since 2016 in Brazil, and it is focusing on expanding their portfolio of products connected with Sigfox network.
More information about DuoDigit