Dashboard Templates
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Use beautiful templates to speed up the development of your IoT applications.
Dashboard Templates
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Dashboard Templates
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The right type of dashboard for your IoT application
Normal Dashboards
Use the Normal type to start creating dashboards quickly. This type is recommended when you are starting with TagoIO. Simply create a dashboard for pre-selected devices and variables.
Normal Dashboards
Use the Normal type to start creating dashboards quickly. This type is recommended when you are starting with TagoIO. Simply create a dashboard for pre-selected devices and variables.
Normal Dashboards
Use the Normal type to start creating dashboards quickly. This type is recommended when you are starting with TagoIO. Simply create a dashboard for pre-selected devices and variables.
Blueprint Dashboards
Use Blueprint to create dashboards by associating tags to scale up your application. One single dashboard can be used with multiple IoT devices and users.
Blueprint Dashboards
Use Blueprint to create dashboards by associating tags to scale up your application. One single dashboard can be used with multiple IoT devices and users.
Blueprint Dashboards
Use Blueprint to create dashboards by associating tags to scale up your application. One single dashboard can be used with multiple IoT devices and users.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Dashboard templates?
What are Dashboard templates?
What are Dashboard templates?
How do Dashboard templates work?
How do Dashboard templates work?
How do Dashboard templates work?
How much does the Dashboard Template cost?
How much does the Dashboard Template cost?
How much does the Dashboard Template cost?
Can I edit the Dashboard template after I upload it to my account?
Can I edit the Dashboard template after I upload it to my account?
Can I edit the Dashboard template after I upload it to my account?
What do I need to use a Dashboard Template?
What do I need to use a Dashboard Template?
What do I need to use a Dashboard Template?
What are Blueprint dashboards?
What are Blueprint dashboards?
What are Blueprint dashboards?
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